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纽约26%成人感染生殖器疱疹 黑人远高于白人(环球时报) [复制链接]


环球时报6月12日报道 美国官方统计数据显示,纽约每4名成人中就有一人感染生殖器疱疹病毒。此外,非裔美国人的患病率几乎达到50%。
纽约市卫生部性传染病预防管制局督察长席林杰说:“生殖器疱疹不会对大多数人造成严重问题,但感染此病会扩大HIV病毒疫情。她还说:“持续使用保险套,有助于避免罹患或散播生殖器疱疹。”(环球网 蒋黎黎)

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回复: 纽约26%成人感染生殖器疱疹 黑人远高于白人(环球时报)

26% Of New York City Residents Have Virus That Causes Genital Herpes, Study FindsAbout 26% of New York City's adult residents in 2004 had the virus that causes genital herpes, compared with 19% of adults nationwide, according to a study recently released by the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the New York Post reports (Mangan, New York Post, 6/10). The study, published this month in the journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases, is the city's first measurement of the prevalence of the herpes simplex virus Type 2, commonly abbreviated as HSV-2 (Chan, "City Room," New York Times, 6/9).

According to Bloomberg, most people with HSV-2 have few or no symptoms, although the disease can cause genital sores. However, the virus can increase the risk of HIV, as well as increase viral loads for HIV-positive people. "Genital herpes alone will not cause serious problems for most people, but some people will have painful genital sores, and the infection fosters the spread of HIV," Julia Schillinger -- lead author of the study and director of surveillance for the health department's sexually transmitted disease prevention and control bureau -- said in a statement (Pettypiece, Bloomberg, 6/9).

Schillinger said that HSV-2 prevalence is likely higher in the city than nationwide because the virus is more prevalent among blacks and Hispanics. The study found that about 49% of blacks in the city were living with the virus, compared with 37% of Hispanics, 17% of Asians, and 14% of whites. About 36% of women in the city were living with the virus, compared with 19% of men (Lite, New York Daily News, 6/10). The data for the study came from the city's Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, conducted among a random sample of residents ages 20 and older. The survey enrolled 1,999 people, 1,784 of whom were tested for HSV-2 ("City Room," New York Times, 6/9).

The health department urged residents to consistently use condoms (AP/Google.com, 6/9). The department's STD clinics offer confidential herpes testing for people with sores at no cost. According to the department, a blood test for HSV-2 is not recommended for most people with no symptoms, but physicians might recommend a blood test if a person is HIV-positive, is at high risk of HIV or has a sexual partner known to be living with HSV-2 (New York City health department release, 6/10).

Reprinted with kind permission from http://www.nationalpartnership.org. You can view the entire Daily Women's Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report is a free service of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published by The Advisory Board Company.
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