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Posted by Q.O.L (Guest) on Jul-29-03 at 09:15 AM

After seeing the ad here, I went to Choraphor site and have a look. I am glad that it says that Choraphor can kill hsv 1 or 2 on contact.
Like to hear from members here who have tried it.

I would like to know is it safe to swallow some of it accidentally when applying on the mouth?
Does it leave a strong smell?
Is it good idea to use it as AVS prevention in the mouth?
Can I rub it on my member before oral-sex to protect it?
Is it absorbed into the skin? If so, for how long?

So many questions I have...Hope I can get help from members here


I have tried it. It comes in a tiny, somewhat sketchy looking bottle (because the wrapper looks very budget). It doesn't smell strong at all, and the liquid is blue. It's costs a sh*tload.
My OBs are usually wide-spread red bumps, but every now and then, they become blisters. During those times, I have tried choraphor. It does nothing in my opinion until you break the skin. This can be dangerous because it might spread the OB around more, but if you're careful, it should be okay. The first time I used it was on a frequent OB site right at the entrance to the vagina. I used to always get them right after sex and they REALLY hurt. So I scraped the area then held a QTip doused in Choraphor in the site for 30 seconds as directed. I HURT LIKE HELL. I went to bed in agony and still felt mild pain when I woke up in the morning. But the OB has never returned even after sex. Coincidence? I don't know. We never really know with this fickle disease.

To answer your questions:
It is not designed for supression or to prevent shedding. In fact, the directions recommend that you cease use of anti-virals and other prevention methods and only use it at the height of an OB.

If I recall correctly, swallowing it is not a good idea, but I don't think you are going to die or anything. (but don't take my word on that please

It is absorbed into the skin and supposedly you can feel it travelling into the nerve. I think this is true. It is a strange sensation.

This past weekend, I had a pretty bad OB again in a different site. I applied the choraphor there and it hurt again (not as bad -- less sensitive spot). We'll see what happens.
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