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在美国亚马逊上看到一个要,请英文好的能否关注和翻译一下 [复制链接]

我不是药托,偶然在美国亚马逊上看到的,估计是顺势疗法还是什么?说通过了美国FDA. 具体英文不太好,只是网页翻译过来看的!能够请论坛里的高人了解一下这个公司和这款药,毕竟能通过FDA的药应该不会是骗子。名字我就不说了,等会反而被人误会,可以去美国亚马逊搜索herpes(疱疹)。我先把网站上的内容复制下来给你们看看。本帖只是交流,本是同病人,不要攻击我!
Product Description

Please save your reviews of this product for up to 3 months as it's guaranteed for that long. This is a long term formula it is senseless to do a review of a product like this on the day you receive it in the mail, "like the latest reviewer" Due to rules and regulations I can not thoroughly describe this homeopathic medicine, I will tell you it's our 1# seller and for a reason, and that it was our first formula developed. I'll let our customer's speak for it. Our pellets are lactose free. Made in a FDA supervised laboratory using state of the art manufacturing methods. This product has no negative side effects and is non-addictive. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA . This product is not intended to diagnose ,treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We respect our customer's privacy and ship discreetly.. There is no need to take more then one vial of this medicine, it actually works better to take one only, only in rare cases have I had to use 2 vials in the same year. Many of our customer's have contacted us about still having the sensations of stinging & tingling well after their blister's have been suspended, so we developed extra strength Sting &Tingle formula for those still getting these sensation's after taking Herpes 30x (look for it in our inventory.) I hope I can keep everyone purchasing this product focused on the long term goal of this product that is putting your outbreaks in long term remission. Sometimes it comes quick and sometimes not as in the case of reviewer MMRashad, and reviewer of cold sore Ralph both of these people had to wait until completely done taking the vial until remission. So be patient it will come. This product has a 3 month unconditional guarantee.

Important Information
Thuja, Allium, Salvia, Ammonium carb, Bufo, Aurum Metalicum. Inactive ingredients: 70% Sucrose 30% Corn Sugar. Non-allergenic pellets.

At the first signs of an outbreak dissolve 3 pellets under the tongue once daily between meals until vial is complete or as your naturopathic physician directs you. IMPORTANT! If you've taken the product for 30 day's and you are still getting blister's or getting them worse stop taking the product, let the blister's heal you are in remission. For those of you that are purchasing herpes 30x for cold sores or fever blister's , I've found that it works for about 80% and there are another 20% that Natrum Phosphoricum seems to work for. You can get Natrum phosphoricum in most good health food stores 2 pellets once daily for 3-4 weeks should do, 30x or 30c will be fine.

最后编辑LXY815 最后编辑于 2016-02-28 12:24:29
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用药三个月以内请别对药品妄下定论,因为本药品服用三个月才会见效。药品是按疗程服用,在拿到药的第一天吃完就来发表最新反馈完全没有意义。由于一些规章制度原因,我没办法在这详细介绍这款顺势疗法的药品,但想让大家知道,此药品是公司首发配方,并当之不愧的保持着销量第一的位置。我们的药丸不含乳糖,在FDA监管的实验室,使用最先进的生产技术生产。本药品无任何副作用,也不会上瘾。这些说明目前尚未通过FDA认证。请注意,本药品不能用来诊断,治疗或者预防任何疾病。基于尊重客人的隐私,在送货方面我们会谨慎安排。另外,本药品无需服用超过一瓶,最好是服用一瓶就行。只有极少数得情况下,一年需要服用两瓶。有许多买家联系我们,在用药(Herpes 30x)),泡泡没有了但仍然有刺痛感,公司为此研发了一种升级版加强配方,专门针对这一类的症状。希望购买本药品的买家们,都能耐心专注在药品的长期疗程效果,药品的功效是能让你长期摆脱泡泡。本药针对不同人有不同效果,就好像给过反馈的买家MMRashad和Ralph,他们俩都是直到服完瓶药才见效。请大家保持耐心,坚持服药,总会有一天能摆脱泡泡。本药品有三个月无条件保障。




重要提示!! 如果服药30天后仍然发泡,或者泡泡变严重了。请停止服药,让泡泡自愈,这是痊愈的过程。
针对那些治疗口唇疱疹得买家们,本药品对80%的人群都有效,另外20%的人群,建议你们买一种叫做Natrum Phosphoricum的药,大部分药店都有售卖,每日两片,购买30片罐装服用3-4个星期就行。


回复 3楼回音的帖子


回复 4楼yumengzhiji的帖子


So far 60+ days breakout free...not anymore (Updated)
ByTrusted-Reviewson January 23, 2016
Here is a timeline of my experience with this product:

10/26/2015- Received package in the mail and began taking 3 pellets under the tongue (let dissolve) once daily.
11/15/2015- Notified seller that I had a very minor breakout (one blister very small almost unnoticeable).
11/18/2015- Blister just about cleared up.
12/15/2015- 30 days breakout free. Notified seller of my results who advised I should stop taking it.
01/15/2016- 60 days breakout free
01/18/2016- Began taking 3 pellets again.
01/20/2016- Symptoms of breakout began (stinging/burning sensation).
01/22/2016- Still no breakout but very strong sensation of breakout to come despite continued use.

As of today, I feel like a breakout is bound to happen any day now. But none have shown. I will continue to post results every 15th of the month.

01/24/2016- 6 blisters appeared about 12 hours after writing this review. I know my body very well and knew once I began to feel that burning sensation, no product could stop a breakout from taking place. It was just a matter of time. Guess this stuff does not work as well as I had hoped.

*** Please keep in mind that I also workout, am in shape, do not smoke or drink, take 2 multivitamins, and use "Herp-B-Gone" in conjunction with this so I cannot say if this product works by itself.
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ByAmazon Customeron February 17, 2016
Don't waste your money. After doing lots of research, there is nothing this can do for anyone. If it "works" for you then you're lucky.

ByEli Harlanon September 12, 2015
It's ok. There are better products out there. I didn't know notice a big difference.
i buy about 100 items a year from amazon
this is my first review
there was NO results from use of this product
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