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我要坚强,虽然我受伤害了,但是也要活下去 [复制链接]


Easy Cream Cheese Appetizers
10 deli ham slices
Spread cream cheese on each of the tortillas. Place three onion stalks on each tortilla, one along the top, middle and bottom edge. Sprinkle tomatoes on each tortilla. Place two pieces of the ham on each tortilla on top of the onions and tomatoes to cover the tortilla. Starting from the top, carefully roll the tortilla down forming a tube. Cut off the extra onion stalks that hang out. Wrap rolled tortilla in plastic wrap, twist the ends to secure. Refrigerate for at least two hours. Remove plastic wrap and cut the tortilla into uniform slices.
Unroll dough, place on a lightly floured surface. Firmly press the edges together ro create a 12 by 4 inch rectangle. Distribute half the dill weed on the opened brick of cream cheese. Put the cream cheese, with the dill side down, on the center of your dough rectangle. Add the remaining dill to the top of the cream cheese brick. Cover the cream cheese by folding the edges of the dough together, pinching firmly to ensure a seal. Place the seam side down on a greased cookie sheet. Brush with the beaten egg; bake for 15 to 18 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve warm with crackers or chips.
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