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迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始 [复制链接]



迷糊打开这个网页后, 看到短信太多了, 没有办法一封封回了, 能否给迷糊点时间慢慢回?

今天也上了美国疱疹网。 看到美国的许多的科学家100多位凑在一起对此病毒进行研讨。 美国已经进入一个重视阶段, 这是世界战友的福音




The vast majority of people in the United States — about two-thirds — are infected with one form or another of the herpes virus. The eight-member family of viruses includes herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1 that causes cold sores) and HSV-2 (genital herpes), as well as chickenpox, roseola and Epstein Barr (the virus that typically causes mono). Symptoms can range from mild to deadly. All share a similar genetic structure, infect the body for life, and can be triggered by stress.

For a second year scientists from Eastern Virginia Medical School sponsored a spring symposium on the herpes virus with the express purpose of encouraging collaborative research. With National Institute of Health funding flat, collaboration is even more important, says Patric Lundberg, co-organizer of the event with Julie Kerry. Lundberg likens the researchers' work to putting together a jigsaw puzzle when there are pieces missing and there's no picture to work from.

Nearly 100 scientists from the mid-Atlantic region gathered to exchange information. The organizers also aimed to raise awareness and understanding of the variety of herpes viruses and their impact — medical, social and economic.

"The burden on society is severe," says Lundberg, an associate professor of microbiology and molecular cell biology at EVMS.

Several strains can cause encephalitis.

"A lot of the problems come from the immune response trying to kill the virus," he says. "That's when it does damage and can cause inflammation in the brain. The pressure builds up and kills off tissue."

Some of the newest research focuses on what keeps people healthy and how the virus is controlled by the immune system without causing damage. The keynote speaker, Anthony Nicola of Virginia Commonwealth University, addressed how the virus gets into cells and how it spreads. Other researchers reported on improving on existing vaccines and antiviral drugs.

Kerry specializes in cytomegalovirus, or CMV. She advises that, undiagnosed, CMV is a major threat to those with compromised immune systems as well as a leading cause of infection-related birth defects, such as hearing loss and cerebral palsy. It can also undermine the success of bone-marrow transplants — 20 percent die because of CMV from donors or CMV reactivation in themselves.

Lundberg's specialty is HSV-1, although his research also applies to genital herpes.

"If you know someone who's unemployed, then you know at least two individuals who have HSV-2," he says, citing the Centers for Disease Control's 2010 study. Additionally, he notes, 80 percent have not been diagnosed and, absent symptoms, are unaware of the infection. A recent study revealed that contrary to previous findings, the virus still sheds and can be transmitted when there are no symptoms.

"Herpes can be devastating. We're trying to put the little pieces of the puzzle together," he says.

The vast majority of people in the United States — about two-thirds — are infected with one form or another of the herpes virus. The eight-member family of viruses includes herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1 that causes cold sores) and HSV-2 (genital herpes), as well as chickenpox, roseola and Epstein Barr (the virus that typically causes mono). Symptoms can range from mild to deadly. All share a similar genetic structure, infect the body for life, and can be triggered by stress.

For a second year scientists from Eastern Virginia Medical School sponsored a spring symposium on the herpes virus with the express purpose of encouraging collaborative research. With National Institute of Health funding flat, collaboration is even more important, says Patric Lundberg, co-organizer of the event with Julie Kerry. Lundberg likens the researchers' work to putting together a jigsaw puzzle when there are pieces missing and there's no picture to work from.

Nearly 100 scientists from the mid-Atlantic region gathered to exchange information. The organizers also aimed to raise awareness and understanding of the variety of herpes viruses and their impact — medical, social and economic.

"The burden on society is severe," says Lundberg, an associate professor of microbiology and molecular cell biology at EVMS.

Several strains can cause encephalitis.

"A lot of the problems come from the immune response trying to kill the virus," he says. "That's when it does damage and can cause inflammation in the brain. The pressure builds up and kills off tissue."

Some of the newest research focuses on what keeps people healthy and how the virus is controlled by the immune system without causing damage. The keynote speaker, Anthony Nicola of Virginia Commonwealth University, addressed how the virus gets into cells and how it spreads. Other researchers reported on improving on existing vaccines and antiviral drugs.

Kerry specializes in cytomegalovirus, or CMV. She advises that, undiagnosed, CMV is a major threat to those with compromised immune systems as well as a leading cause of infection-related birth defects, such as hearing loss and cerebral palsy. It can also undermine the success of bone-marrow transplants — 20 percent die because of CMV from donors or CMV reactivation in themselves.

Lundberg's specialty is HSV-1, although his research also applies to genital herpes.

"If you know someone who's unemployed, then you know at least two individuals who have HSV-2," he says, citing the Centers for Disease Control's 2010 study. Additionally, he notes, 80 percent have not been diagnosed and, absent symptoms, are unaware of the infection. A recent study revealed that contrary to previous findings, the virus still sheds and can be transmitted when there are no symptoms.

"Herpes can be devastating. We're trying to put the little pieces of the puzzle together," he says.


那些一天到晚认为疱疹不是病的人, 看看美国战友的呼吁。  他们的痛苦和我们一样。  甚至更厉害。  疱疹毁了多少人, 如果只是小病, 绝不会如此。 再次呼吁政府和研究人员重视。 我知道我的楼有一声关注, 迷糊恳请你们, 不要轻视我们的感觉, 我们的正确判断, 不要误读我们的症状, 或者把我们看成是神经出问题的人。 我们都是非常理性的疱疹患者, 我们知道自己在说什么。  


Thanks for the post. For those who believe herpes is minor, scientists say different. Its an economic problem. "it can be devestating." Im sick of living in fear of passing this to my fiance who is currently unaware of his status. My sex life has been ruined. Spontaneous, fun sex with the love of my life has been destroyed by a disease. A disease that will stay with me until I die. A disease that is highly contagious with or without symptoms. A disease that is one of the most stigmatized by the entire world. A disease that leads millions into depression. A disease that can kill. A disease that blinds millions. I hate this dirty virus.
Enough with the tantrum.... Thanks again for the post!


布鲁姆确实认为在五年之内将有解药推出市场。  我想大家还是选择相信吧。 这是他去年三月说的, 而且放在了他们学校的网站上


This is the Duke U site for herpes research, the most recent update is an email from Dr. Bloom from March, 2011. In the email, Dr. Bloom states that he believe's they'll be able to start marketing a cure or it's equivalency in 4-5 years!! I was hoping someone might have had something more recent tha March 2011.


还记得那个刚刚发明出来的声称对所有病毒有效的药, draco吗, 已经研究资料表明, 对疱疹无效。  



Unfortunately, a very precise article in the Hindustan Times reveals that DRACO will not work on viruses that have found ways to conceal their DsRNA, double stranded RNA, as HSV does in latency:

"The drug would also not work against viruses have evolved ways to conceal their double-stranded RNA".

The article also states:

"Also, the way the drug functions would make it effective only in very early stages of infection".

The full article is at:


My suspicion is that DRACO would stop active HSV infection, i.e., an "outbreak" but not recognise latently infected cells.

If this is the case, then either Meganucleases or Zinc Finger Nucleases remain the main hope for cure of HSV, because with the ZFN in particular, they 'recognise' infected cells, incuding in the latent phase, "clip" the infected DNA sequence, and then allow homologous recombination, where the sequence rebuilds minus the viral transformation.

If I had a Christmas Wish it would be that the Regulatory Authorities finally recognise that phase three drug trial size is not scientific, is too large, is massively inhibiting drug development because of the crippling costs and risks involved and is thereby a) allowing people to die who might otherwise live and b) stopping the development of drugs that would at worst slow the spread of pandemics like HIV/AIDS and at best prevent them.

Season's Greetings.


美国健康署证实艾滋疫苗的临床初期试验证实ok.  可看  cbcnews.ca健康栏有详细资料查资料


HIV vaccine given OK for clinical trials by FDA.......see article....cbcnews.ca.....in the health section.


今天花了两三个小时了, 短信里的信件太多, 真的没办法一一回复了, 对不起大家。  

我们靠在一起取火, 感觉能够好点, 但是真正解决问题的人还是你自己。  

迷糊也是一个病人, 知识太少, 能量有限。 能帮的帮, 帮不了的, 希望大家包涵。  

新的一年让我们和过去说再见。  别让疱疹占据了你的大脑和思维。 你强了, 它就弱。 就这么简单





这是我给一个害怕传染给老婆, 妹妹和孩子的战友的回信, 贴在此分享:

你的题目挺让人同情的, 我也来留下几个字

你先不要过早的下结论。 我认为你这么做。  

如果你有疱疹, 你的老婆有可能是迟早的事情。  但是只要夫妻不介意, 日子照样过, 刚开始有点痛苦过一两年好多了, 不是大事

孩子如果与你两很亲热, 比如像我和我儿子, 每天抱啊, 亲啊, 有时又睡在一起同在一个床上, 如果小孩有破口, 病毒容易进入, 但首发一定不会在阴部, 因为那不是第一进入皮肤, 所以小孩发病通常在身体其他部位皮肤。  小孩的症状与大人不太一样, 这个以后交流或者看我的楼吧

你妹妹的传染一样的, 如果不是性交传染, 一般病毒含量不多, 所以通过皮肤接触传染的症状一般都很轻微, 不应该在阴部。  与上面小孩同样道理, 如果座便器传染有可能但几率非常低。  如果皮肤接触传染, 在哪接触的会初发那里先有症状。  

同样判断是否传染, 一定要监视起码三到五个月再下结论。  因为如果得了疱疹一定会复发, 如果没有复发应该考虑其他并可能。 如果有规则性复发, 那太遗憾了。  



回复: 迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始

原帖由 ROCKMASK 于 2012/1/6 10:25:00 发表
疫苗有助于防止HSV - 1生殖器疾病和感染
然而,疫苗的研究发现,对HSV - 2的疾病或感染无效
分享 |


如果对一型有效, 对二型一定也会有些作用, 不会一点作用都没有。  一型二型近似90%以上。 所以我认为这项研究可能白耽误工夫。  通常对一型有效后, 通过一些小的调整就会对二型也有效。 这又是比如布鲁姆研究的途径。  


回复: 迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始

原帖由 看到希望 于 2012/1/5 22:04:00 发表
ScienceDaily (Jan. 4, 2012) — An investigational vaccine protected some women against infection from one of the two types of herpes simplex viruses that cause genital herpes, according to findings in......

不过如果被格兰士大药厂支持的研究那可能还是有点意思。 但我觉得英国的研究始终是落后的。  生化医学目前无人可以与美国比,世界第一无人超越。  德国靠点谱, 法国还可以, 其他国家都是和中国一样的水平



对了忘记说了, 在亚洲发展最快的反而是韩国。  我指生化医学方面。  不是我们中国很可惜的。 日本一直是居于前列, 中国要加油啊
