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想帮助这里所有的人--一个四十岁妻子受害人 [复制链接]

我是一个四十岁的妻子, 十三年前老公传染了我, 他怎么得的这些都已经成为过去, 在此就不述说了。  我想告诉大家的是任何事情我们都要理性地去对待。 我首先是一个知识女性, 在国外留过学, 我愿意用我的国外背景来帮助我的同胞们。  还有我是一个基督徒, 我也想用我的爱心来帮助所有的受害人。  我想带给大家几个重要的信息。  首先患有生殖器疱疹的男性和女性完全完全不要担心生育问题, 我们的病完全不影响生育, 我们和所有没得过此病的人一样可以生一个非常健康的宝宝。  我就是一个例子, 怀孕期间复发一次, 完全没有事情, 生了一个八斤重的大儿子。  但是为了保险起见我选择手术生, 因我不想经过产道以防万一影响孩子。  其次, 此病在国外普及率之高令你惊讶。  美国是五个人中就有一个人有此病, 我指的是生殖器疱疹, 对于他们此病就像是说笑一样, 和感冒一样,只要有人的地方, 只要你有两性关系, 此病就广泛存在, 所以我们大可不必惊慌失措, 痛苦万分, 摆好心态, 处之泰然就是最好的对付它的方式。  还有就是此病随着病程年资的延长确有病的严重程度越来越减轻的情况, 但不可忽视的是, 女性但你快到更年期的时候, 像我目前正处于更年期, 病的严重程度突然改变, 从以前的每年两次复发, 到现在的每月一次到两次, 而且还办哟一些综合症, 比如, 腋下淋巴肿大, 头疼, 恶心, 神经痛, 等, 但每次复发此些症状只持续一到两天就结束。  所以告诫所有的此病的女性到了你们四十多岁更年期时要做好与此病斗争的准备, 我知道个中的滋味, 在此由于时间的关系我就不多叙了。  总之, 我的心态是既来之则安之, 学会与之相处。  一切都发生了, 说什么都没用, 就是一个良好的心态去看待它。  希望神助我们在不远的将来科技神明发明了新药, 但这只是期望, 因为医学界对病毒感染目前是手足无措,毫无办法。  所以在没有新药之前, 我们这些受害人就要靠我们自己了。  不要看不起自己, 根本没有什么, 因为只要有两性关系就有机会得病, 此病绝不是国内许多新闻报道的那样, 又是什么不能生育, 又是什么导致癌症, 都是没有科学根据, 而且已经是欧美二十年前的落后理论。  我把我最近找到的国外资料带给大家, 希望对大家有帮助。  感谢上帝, 感谢他带给我的爱, 我也要用我的爱心去帮助所有需要帮助的人。  希望我们在神的关爱下健康活着, 不再烦恼, 也希望每一个受害人去用你们所得到的知识帮助所有需要帮助的人。 谢谢你们和我一起共度时间, 神会保佑我们。  

由于我是用机器直接翻译的, 又没有太多时间去每个字改正, 所以可能有些不通的地方, 大家理解了大意就行了。  

4 - What is herpes simplex? 4 -什么是单纯疱疹?
Herpes simplex virus is one of a family of herpes viruses all of which, once caught, remain in the body.单纯疱疹病毒 There are two types:有两种类型:

Herpes simplex virus: type 1 and type 2.单纯疱疹病毒:1型和2型。 Both types can cause symptoms on the genitals (genital herpes), the face (facial cold sores), or the hand or finger (called a herpetic whitlow).这两种类型的可引起的症状的生殖器(生殖器疱疹),脸(面部唇疱疹),或手或手指(称为疱疹性疔)。

5 - What are the other herpes viruses? 5 -什么是疱疹病毒等?

Varicella-zoster virus (also called herpes zoster).水痘带状疱疹病毒(也称为带状疱疹)。
This causes chickenpox and shingles which are occasionally mistaken for herpes simplex. Shingles is a recurrence of chickenpox and in the elderly it may cause painful nerve damage.这将导致水痘和带状疱疹是单纯误认为是偶尔疱疹。 带状疱疹是水痘复发和中老年人,可能引起疼痛神经损伤。
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein Barr virus, also called glandular fever.巨细胞病毒(CMV)和EB病毒,也被称为腺热。 These viruses do not cause spots or blisters like herpes simplex.这些病毒不会引起如单纯疱疹斑点或水泡。 They may cause flu-like illnesses.它们可能引起类似流感的疾病。
And four others: humanherpes viruses 6, 6a, 7 and 8.四其他:humanherpes病毒6,6A条,第7和8。
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6 - How common is herpes simplex? 6 -单纯疱疹非常普遍?
About six out of ten people in the UK carry type 1 and about one in ten carries type 2, more in the sexually active population.在英国约有十分之六拥有一型,约十分之一人口拥有2型, Most facial cold sores are caused by type 1.最冷疮面1型引起的。 Herpes simplex on the genitals may be type 1 or type 2.生殖器疱疹的单纯可能是1型或2型。

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7 - What is the difference between the two herpes simplex types? 7 -什么是类型的区别两者之间的单纯疱疹?
Genital herpes can be caused by either type 1 or type 2.生殖器疱疹可以引起两种类型1或类型2。 The only difference to you is that唯一的区别你的是,
type 1 is more likely to recur when it is caught on the face and does not often recur when it is caught on the genitals; 1型更有可能再次出现时,击中了脸,不经常复发的生殖器时,捕获的;
type 2 is more likely to recur when affecting the genitals. 2型更有可能再次发生时,影响生殖器。
There is no difference in the visible symptoms caused by the two types, so it is only possible to establish which type you have caught through a laboratory test.没有任何类型不同的两个造成了明显的症状,因此它是唯一可能确定哪些类型的测试实验室通过捕获。 Both viruses are called herpes simplex virus.这两种病毒被称为单纯疱疹病毒。

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8 - How long after contact with a person with herpes simplex will it take, before I get symptoms? 8 -多长时间接触后,采取与单纯疱疹的人将它之前,我得到什么症状?
It usually takes between two and seven days after contact for the first symptoms to appear, with 4 to 5 days being the most common incubation period.它通常采取的最初症状出现之间的两个接触后七天内,有4到5天是最常见的潜伏期。 Some people never catch it.有些人从来没有赶上它。 Others catch it but show no symptoms. Occasionally it can appear for the first time years after you could have caught it.其他赶上它,但没有出现任何症状。偶尔能年首次出现后,你可能会抓住它。 There is more about transmission in our "Transmission" leaflet – available to members – see subscription form .有传单传播“的有关传输在我们的” -提供给会员-见认购表格 。

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9 - What symptoms will I have? 9 -我会得到什么症状?
Symptoms may start with itching, tingling, inflammation and discomfort in the area affected.症状可能会开始发痒,不适,在受影响的范围刺痛,发炎。 There can also be general flu-like symptoms with backache, headache, temperature, soreness and mild swelling of the lymph glands in the groin, armpits and neck.一般还可以有类似流感的症状与颈腰痛,头痛,温度,疼痛和轻度和腹股沟,腋窝淋巴结肿大的腺体中。

On ordinary skin (eg under pubic hair or on the shaft of the penis or scrotum, fingers, hands or on other parts of the body) you are likely to get blisters, spots or red bumps which may be quite painful.普通皮肤(如阴毛下或在手上轴阴茎或阴囊,手指,或在身体其他部位),你很可能得到水泡,斑点或红色肿块,可能是相当痛苦的。 These burst and form sores, raw spots or ulcers which will crust over and new skin will form as they heal. On mucous membrane, eg under the foreskin and on the inner side of vaginal lips, the virus causes ulcers which heal directly into new skin.这些突发和形式疮,生斑点或溃疡,将地壳结束,将形成新的皮肤,因为他们医治。论黏膜,嘴唇例如根据包皮和阴道的内侧,该病毒会导致皮肤溃疡的愈合,直接到新。 This does not normally result in scarring, although the new skin may be paler for a while.这通常不会造成疤痕,虽然新的皮肤可能,而苍白的。 This first episode may last from 2 to 4 weeks.这首插曲可能会持续2至4周。

If you get recurrences, they will not be like the first illness.如果你得到复发,他们不会像第一疾病。 The first one is worse as you do not have specific antibodies to fight this virus.第一个是更糟,因为你没有特异性抗体,以对抗这种病毒。 If you get a recurrence, the antibodies to fight the virus will be available much faster.如果你得到一个重演,对抗病毒的抗体,将可更快。

Recurrent symptoms - if they occur - usually heal much more quickly (often in only in a few days). 复发症状 -如果他们出现-通常是更快地愈合(通常只有几天一)。 They are usually mild and seldom involve the flu-like symptoms.它们通常是温和的,很少涉及类似流感的症状。 A small minority of people get frequent recurrences.一个少数人经常得到复发。 If you are one of these people we suggest you look at antiviral treatment and self-help suggestions .如果您认为我们这些人一看你的抗病毒治疗和自救的建议 。

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10 - How is herpes simplex caught and passed on? 10 -单纯疱疹病毒是如何捕获和传递?
The virus is passed directly from the affected area of skin, by skin to skin contact, with friction . 该病毒是通过直接从患处的皮肤接触,皮肤对皮肤,摩擦 。 It enters easily through mucous membranes, ie the moist skin which lines the mouth and genital-anal area.它很容易通过粘膜进入,即湿润的皮肤和生殖器线口,肛门附近。 It can also enter through a cut or break in the ordinary skin on other parts of the body: fingers/hands, knees, etc. if these come into direct contact with the affected area of another person.它也可以通过输入部分切断或破坏人体皮肤中的普通其他:手指/手,膝盖等,如果这些接触到直接与另一人受影响的地区。 We call it a whitlow when it's on the fingers.我们称之为疔时,对手指的。

You can pass it on whenever the virus is present on the skin surface: from the first warning signs that a recurrence is starting (tingles, aches, stabbing pains) until fresh skin has grown back.你可以通过它只要病毒存在于皮肤表面:从第一个警告迹象表明,复发开始(瘙痒,疼痛,刺痛感),直到新的皮肤长出来。 There is a possibility that virus may be transmitted through asymptomatic shedding .有一种可能性,即通过传播病毒可能是无症状排毒 。 See is more about transmission in our "Transmission" leaflet – available to members – see subscription form .传输更多看到的是在我们的“传输”单张-提供给会员-见认购表格 。

Only people who do not already carry the virus can catch it.只有人谁不已经携带这种病毒可以捕获它。 About seven in ten adults already carry herpes simplex virus type 1 and one in ten already carry type 2.关于成人七十年已经进行单纯疱疹病毒1型和十一个已经携带2型。

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11 - Can I spread the infection around my body? 11 -我的身体我可以传播感染周围?
You will not spread the virus to other parts of your own body after the first episode.你不会把病毒传染给自己的身体其他部位后您的第一集。 Even during this first outbreak, the infection is usually limited to one part of the body.即使在这一次爆发,这种感染通常仅限于一体一部分。 Some people will catch it in two places, for instance they may get it on their hands, as well as on the genitals, since hands can be involved in sexual activitiy.有些人会在两地抓住它,例如他们可能会在他们的手里,以及有关的生殖器,因为手可酶活性有关。 This is called a whitlow.这就是所谓的疔。 If you have caught it in more than one place, you will notice the symptoms during your first outbreak.如果你患了一种以上的地方,你会发现在你的第一个爆发的症状。 They will not appear in a second site, long after first infection.他们将不会出现在第二个站点,很久之后了首例感染。

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12 - Will my partner catch it again if he or she already has it? 12 -将我的伙伴再次赶上它,如果他或她已经是这样吗?
If you and your partner have the same virus you will not reinfect each other - even on a different part of the body.如果你和你的伴侣有同样的病毒,你会不会再次感染对方-即使是在身体的不同部分。 So, if you have caught it on your genitals from your partner's facial cold sores, he or she will not catch the virus back on the genitals.所以,如果你患了生殖器疱疹它在你从你的伴侣的面部冷,他或她将赶不上病毒回到了生殖器。 There is more about transmission in our "Transmission" leaflet – available to members – see subscription form .有传单传播“的有关传输在我们的” -提供给会员-见认购表格 。

If the new partner has had facial cold sores in the past and they will either have the same virus as you and be unable to catch it from you, or will have the other type (there are only two types of herpes simplex).如果新的合作伙伴已在过去的面部和唇疱疹病毒,他们将不得不和你一样,无法抓住你怎样来的,或将其他类型(只有两种类型的单纯疱疹)。 If they have the other type and then catch your type, their symptoms will probably be slight or non-existent. This is because the antibodies they already have for 'their type' will immediately start fighting this slightly different virus while their immune system prepares new antibodies to fight the new type of herpes simplex. It is called having 'partial protection'.如果他们有其他类型,然后抓住你的类型,他们的症状可能是轻微的或不存在的。抗体,这是因为他们已经有新的'它们的类型,将立即开始打这场略有不同的病毒,而他们的免疫系统准备抗体来对抗新型单纯疱疹。它被称为有'部分保护'。 This gives the partner who already has 'the other type of herpes simplex virus' an advantage over people who have no herpes simplex antibodies of either type. An antibody (blood test) might show that this is the case.这给谁的合作伙伴已经有或者没有谁单纯疱疹抗体类型'的其他类型优于单纯疱疹病毒的人'的。一种抗体(验血)可能表明,这是事实。 Members can request our leaflet explaining what an antibody type test can do.大家可以要求我们的宣传单张,解释什么是可以做抗体的型式试验。 See subscription form .见认购表格 。

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13 - How can I have caught it if my partner hasn't got it? 13 -我怎样才能抓住它,如果我的搭档还没有得到它?
Three quarters of the people with herpes simplex have it so mildly they do not realise they have it.三季度与单纯疱疹的人都这么温和,他们并没有意识到他们有它。 So they may have sex when the virus is active. Mild symptoms can appear as a pimple, a little cut or an itchy bit of skin.因此,他们可以发生性行为时,病毒被激活。轻微的症状可以表现为一个疙瘩,一点点切割或皮肤发痒位。 They are often much more sensitive or painful than such small conditions should be.他们往往更敏感的或痛苦的条件比这样的小应。 When people with these mild symptoms learn to recognise them, then they can avoid sex at these times.当这些轻微症状的人学会识别它们,那么他们可避免在这些时代性。

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14 - Can I pass the virus to a partner if I have no symptoms? 14 -我可以通过该病毒为合作伙伴,如果我没有症状?
When the virus is inactive (dormant) inside the nerve cells it cannot be caught by a partner.当病毒处于非活动状态的一个合作伙伴(休眠)引起的神经细胞内是不能。 If there is virus on the place where you get your symptoms, it may be passed on – see What is asymptomatic shedding? There may be tingly or tichy feeling at the place where this is happening.如果有病毒的地方,你得到你的症状,这可能是对传递-见什么是无症状排毒?可能有刺痛感或蒂奇地方感觉在这种情况正在发生的地方。 We have produced two leaflets "Talking to your partner about herpes simplex" (four pages) and "For your partner" (two pages), with advice and information for people in new relationships.我们已经制作了两个小册子:“你的伴侣交谈关于单纯疱疹”(四页)和“伴侣”(两页)的关系,新的咨询意见和信息的人。 These may be ordered by members.这些议员可以订购。 See subscription form .见认购表格 。
An antibody (blood test) might show that your partner already has the virus.抗体(验血)可能表明你的伴侣已经有了病毒。 In this case your partner will have either total or partial protection - see Will my partner catch it again if he or she already has it? .在这种情况下,你的伴侣会要么全部或部分保护-看我的伙伴将再次赶上它,如果他或她已经是这样吗? 。 Members can request our leaflet explaining the antibody test in full.大家可以要求我们的宣传单张,解释全面抗体测试。
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15 - Can using a condom prevent transmission of genital herpes? 15 -可以使用避孕套防止生殖器疱疹传染?
The virus cannot get through a condom, so using one is a good idea as long as it is put on the penis before genitals touch.病毒无法打通安全套,因此使用一种是只要好主意,因为它是触摸生殖器的阴茎放在面前。 If the virus is active on the skin outside the area protected by the condom, transmission may still happen.如果病毒是活跃的避孕套皮肤保护区外,传输可能发生。 A Femidom (female condom) covers a wider area so may be more useful for some people.阿Femidom(女用避孕套)覆盖更广阔的领域,可能会被更多的人有用一些。

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16 -
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Can I catch herpes simplex off towels, cups, or anything? 16 -我能赶上什么单纯疱疹关闭毛巾,水杯,或?
The virus is caught off the skin, not from objects.该病毒是措手不及的皮肤,而不是从对象。 It is a delicate virus and dies quickly when away from the skin where the sore is.这是一个微妙的病毒和死亡时迅速离开那里的皮肤疼痛的。 There is more about transmission in our "Transmission" leaflet -available to members -see subscription form .有传输更多关于我们的“传输”小册子,提供给会员看的认购表格 。

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17 - Can herpes simplex be caught from a cold sore? 17 -单纯疱疹可以被捕获从寒冷痛?
Yes, if a person with a cold sore on the mouth does oral sex he or she can give his/her partner 'cold sores on the genitals' which is genital herpes.是的,如果一个人用口对感冒疮不口交他或她可以给他/她的伴侣生殖器生殖器的是,其中疱疹,唇疱疹上。

Also, cold sores on the face may be caught from someone with genital herpes through oral sex.此外,面对冷疮年5月被捕获从性别的人通过口头和生殖器疱疹。 See the description of the two types .看到这两个类型的说明 。

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18 - What is asymptomatic shedding? 18 -什么是无症状排毒?
Asymptomatic shedding means that virus is present on the skin without causing any symptoms.无症状排毒意味着病毒是目前对皮肤不会引起任何症状。 If enough virus is being shed when direct skin contact occurs, a partner may become infected.如果有足够的病毒被脱落发生直接接触皮肤时,合伙人可以被感染。

Asymptomatic shedding is often associated with herpes simplex because so many people carry this virus without knowing - they do not see or feel any symptoms - hence they are 'asymptomatic carriers'.无症状排毒往往是单纯疱疹,因为与如此多的人携带这种病毒不知道-他们没有看到或感觉到任何症状-因此他们是'携带者'。

As many as 2 out of 3 people who contract the virus, catch it from someone who does not know that he or she has the virus.多达2型病毒出3人谁感染病毒,从捕获它的人谁不知道他或她有。 This could be from the lips of someone who is unaware of a cold sore during oral sex, from the fingers of someone who does not know that he or she has a herpetic whitlow, or from direct genital contact.这可能是从人的嘴唇疼痛不知道谁是一个寒冷的接触口交,手指从人谁不知道他或她有疱疹性瘭,或直接生殖器。

People who experience recurrent symptoms may also occasionally shed virus asymptomatically between recurrences.谁的经验复发症状的人也可能偶尔间棚病毒无症状复发。 This is more likely in the week before and the week after a recurrence.这是一星期前,可能在一周后复发。

In people who get recurrences, asymptomatic shedding occurs on average for 2 per cent of the time for people with type 2 infection and 0.7per cent of the time for those with type 1.在人们谁得到复发,无症状脱落发生在2平均每1百分之类型的类型与时间为2人及感染者的百分之0.7per的时间。
The fewer recurrences a person has, the less chance there is of asymptomatic shedding.复发越少一个人,就越有机会脱落的症状。
Asymptomatic shedding tends to diminish over the years.无症状排毒趋于减弱多年。 It is more likely to be happening in the first year and much less probable after that.这是更可能发生在今年第一和少得多的可能之后。
The virus is most often transmitted during the first four months of a new relationship; however partners are often together for years without the virus passing from one to the other.该病毒是最常见的传播过程中的前四个关系月新,但往往是多年的合作伙伴一起过,但无其他病毒从一个到。

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19 - I've heard it can come back, why? 19 -我听说它可以回来,为什么?
Between recurrences the virus travels from the skin along the nerve to the nerve ganglion (a junction for several nerves supplying the same area). Here it rests in a dormant/inactive state.复发的病毒传播之间的)皮肤沿区的神经节神经的(神经提供一个路口数相同。这里在于国家处于休眠/无效。 Once you have been infected, the virus remains in your body, just as chickenpox and some other viruses do.一旦你被感染,病毒仍然在你的身体,就像水痘和其他一些病毒那样。

Recurrent symptoms occur when the virus is reactivated or 'triggered.' It travels back to the skin surface where it enters skin cells causing another blister, sore or cut.复发症状发生时,病毒被重新激活或'引起的。'这回旅行在其进入皮肤表面的皮肤细胞造成另水泡,疼痛或者砍伐。 Recurrent symptoms normally appear in the same area as the first time.复发症状通常出现在第一时间同一地区的。 But for some people they may shift a short distance, eg from genitals to buttocks within the same dermatome (nerve region).但对于一些人,他们可能会转向短距离,如从生殖器区域)到臀部同一皮(神经。

Some people feel aching, tingling, burning or sharp pains in the area affected (leg, genitals or buttock) preceding a recurrence.有些人觉得疼痛,刺痛,烧灼感或刺痛在患处(腿,生殖器和臀部),前一复发。 These are called prodromal symptoms or prodromes.这些被称为前驱症状或prodromes。 Sometimes they last for a while then disappear without any symptoms appearing on the skin.有时,他们最后一段时间,然后消失无任何症状,皮肤上出现。

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20 - How often does it come back? 20 -它多久回来?
Some people get no further episodes, a few get frequent recurrences.有些人会不会再发作,几个经常得到复发。 A doctor may prescribe antiviral pills that you take for several months to prevent outbreaks - see antiviral treatment , or you can try self-help treatments .医生可能会开抗病毒的药,你数个月的时间,以防止疫情-见抗病毒治疗 ,或者你可以尝试自助治疗 。 There are two pages of suggestions on our "Summary of Tips" leaflet.里面有两个建议在我们的网页概要“提示”小册子。 It is available to members – see subscription form .它是提供给会员-见认购表格 。

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21 - Do I need treatment? 21 -我是否需要治疗?
Like flu, herpes simplex will get better by itself.像流感,单纯疱疹会自己好起来。 Some people are affected more than others.有些人比其他人更受影响。 Primary herpes simplex infections clear up even if no treatment is given in almost all cases.单纯疱疹病毒感染的初步清理,即使没有治疗,在几乎所有情况下给予。 See below for the rare occasions when it can be serious .参阅下文罕见的场合,可严重 。

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22 - How can the doctor help? 22 -如何在医生的帮助?
The doctor may prescribe antiviral tablets to speed up healing and reduce the severity of a first episode.医生可能会开抗病毒片,以加快愈合,减少这一事件的严重性属首次。 Aciclovir is the most commonly used antiviral drug for this purpose.阿昔洛韦是最常用的抗病毒药物用于这一目的。 You don't need the tablets if the first episode is mild, or if you have almost recovered before you see the doctor.你不需要的牌位,如果第一个插曲是轻微的,或者如果你有基本恢复,然后再去看医生。

Aciclovir is also put into a cream (eg Herpetad, Soothelip, Virasorb, Zovirax) but tests have shown that these creams are no better than a placebo (a dummy cream).阿昔洛韦也放入奶油(如Herpetad,Soothelip,Virasorb,瑞爱克斯),但测试显示,这些药膏是没有)优于安慰剂(一个虚拟霜。 Manufacturers do not recommend them for use on mucous membrane (inner 'wet' skin) as it may irritate this sensitive skin.制造商不推荐)的皮肤黏膜上使用的(内'湿',因为它会刺激这个敏感的皮肤。

If you get more episodes later on, these are less likely to be treated with antiviral tablets as treatment has to start early on to have any significant effect.如果你得到更多的事件后,这些都是不容易被片治疗抗病毒治疗已开始为早期有任何重大影响。 See below for self-help suggestions . Members can ask for our Anti-viral drug fact sheet – see subscription form .请参阅下面的自助建议 - 。议员可以问我们的反病毒药物的事实表见认购表格 。

Some people are unlucky and get frequent recurrences.有些人就是不走运,并经常得到复发。 In these cases the doctor may prescribe a longer course of tablets to keep the virus dormant – perhaps for six months at a time.在这种情况下,医生可能会开一个药片的病程较长,以保持病毒潜伏-时间可能为六个月。 For most people this is not necessary either because their body deals with the virus without help or because they find that adopting a healthier life style does the trick.对于大多数人来说,是没有必要或者是因为他们的身体与病毒或交易没有帮助,因为他们发现,采用更健康的生活方式是否把戏。 See What can I do to prevent frequent recurrences?见我能做些什么来防止频繁复发?

Most antiviral pills are suitable for vegans and vegetarians.大多数抗病毒药丸是适合素食者和素食主义者。 Click here to go the page with drug recommendations and click down to the information.点击这里去页的建议与毒品,然后点击到的信息。

DrThom is a site where you can buy aciclovir pills if you have been diagnosed with herpes simplex. DrThom是一个网站,你可以购买阿昔洛韦药片,如果你已经确诊患有单纯疱疹。 It is UK-based and has the approval of the Health Commission.它是英国的,并已在卫生委员会的批准。 However at £21.99 for 25 tablets (5 days' treatment of an outbreak) this is an expensive option.但在21.99英镑25片(5天治疗的爆发)这是一个昂贵的选择。

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23 - What can I do to stop discomfort and speed up healing? 23 -我能做些什么来制止不适,加快愈合?

If required, take a painkiller, eg ibuprofen, paracetamol or soluble aspirin.如果需要,采取止痛药,如布洛芬,对乙酰氨基酚和可溶性阿斯匹林。 This reduces pain and inflammation.这样可以减少疼痛和炎症。 (Always follow manufacturers' instructions - and don't take aspirin if you have been told not to by a doctor.) (务必遵循制造商的指示 - 不要服用阿司匹林,如果有人告诉你不是医生。)
Wash your hands before touching blisters/sores (eg when applying medication) as you could introduce bacteria.洗你的手在接触疱疮/(例如,当应用药物),你可以介绍细菌。 This could cause an additional infection and delay the healing process.这可能导致更多的感染和延迟愈合过程。
Apply a local anaesthetic ointment, eg Lignagel 2 % or lidocaine 5% ointment (this used to be called lignocaine). These may be used on genital or facial sores.应用局部麻醉软膏,如Lignagel 2%或5%利多卡因软膏(这曾经被称为利多卡因)。这可能是用于生殖器疱疹或脸部。 If you need a stronger anaesthetic try Xylocaine 10% spray.如果你需要一个更强大的麻醉喷雾尝试Xylocaine 10%。 Dab on (or spray on) as required to relieve pain, especially before urinating - see below.民建联(或喷)需要减轻前排尿疼痛,尤其是-见下文。 (These are all available from a pharmacy without a prescription.) Occasionally lignocaine/xylocaine can cause hypersensitivity. (这些都可以从处方药店没有。)偶尔利多卡因/ xylocaine可引起过敏。 If it makes your skin more sore, stop using it and your skin will return to normal.如果它使你的皮肤更加疼痛,停止使用它,你的皮肤就会恢复正常。
Keep the sores moist, eg apply petroleum jelly/Vaseline.保持伤口湿润,如申请凡士林/凡士林。
Keep the area clean: washing gently once a day is sufficient.保持清洁:每天一次轻轻洗就足够了。 Many people have found a warm salt water solution (1 teaspoon to 1 pint water) very soothing.许多人已经找到了温暖的盐水溶液(1茶匙1品脱水)非常镇静。 Gently bathe the area using cotton wool.轻轻沐浴区域使用棉花。
Avoid scented soap and deodorants.避免使用香皂和空气清新剂。 It is best not to use wipes, gel or soap in this area, but if you do, use an unscented brand.最好不要使用或肥皂抹在这方面,凝胶,但如果你这样做,使用无味的品牌。
Avoid over-washing as this can increase irritation and delay healing.避免过度本洗衣机的能增加刺激和延迟愈合。
Dab dry carefully with a tissue after washing or use a hair dryer set at 'cold'.轻拍干后用纸巾仔细冲洗或使用吹风机'设置为'冷。
To reduce itching, keep the area as cool as is practical: try an ice pack well-wrapped in cloth for as long as you like (90 minutes).为了减少瘙痒,保持冷静的面积是实际:尽量一冰包好布裹着的,只要你喜欢(90分钟)。 DO NOT put ice directly on the skin.切勿将冰直接在皮肤上。
Women who experience pain when peeing during a first episode can try peeing while in the bath or shower, or sitting on the edge of the bath and pouring water over the area.妇女谁的经验小便疼痛发作时,可以尝试在第一撒尿时,在浴缸或淋浴,或区域坐在浴缸的边缘比和倒水。 This will dilute the urine and ease discomfort.这将稀释尿液,缓解不适。 Or pee through a tube or into a bottle to prevent urine coming into contact with the sores.或瓶子撒尿通过管或进入未来,以防止尿液疮的接触。 You can put lignocaine/lidocaine BP ointment on the area about 15 minutes before urinating to anaesthetize the area, or use petroleum jelly/Vaseline or Orabase on the sore as a barrier.你可以把面积约15分钟,利多卡因/对血压利多卡因麻醉药膏来之前对排尿疼痛的一个障碍区,或使用凡士林Orabase /凡士林或。
For further suggestions write to our office enclosing an SAE.为进一步建议写信给我们的办公室围SAE的。
Do not over-treat the sores - let the skin heal.不要过度治疗疮 - 让皮肤愈合。 Symptoms will heal with or without treatment.症状就会愈合或不治疗。

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24 - I sometimes get odd feelings/pains around my buttocks or down one leg. 24 -我有时会在我的臀部多痛苦的感受/或下一条腿。 What does this mean? 这是什么意思?
Occasionally, herpes simplex virus can cause 'burning skin' sensations, deep aches or sudden twinges in the genital area.偶尔,单纯疱疹病毒可引起生殖器部位,皮肤烧伤'的感觉,深疼痛或突然刺痛。 When they occur in the thighs or buttocks, they are sometimes compared to 'sciatica'.当他们在大腿或臀部出现,他们有时比'坐骨神经痛'。 These symptoms are called prodromes – or prodromal symptoms.这些症状被称为prodromes - 或前驱症状。 They are a sign that the virus is trying to reactivate.他们是一个迹象,表明病毒正在试图重新激活。 Sometimes sores will follow, but very often your immune response overcomes the virus before visible signs appear.有时疼痛会随之而来,但很多时候你的免疫反应,克服了病毒前出现明显的迹象。 For information on treatment, select Summary of tips on the subscription form .有关治疗的信息,请选择简易的提示认购表格 。

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25 - What can I do to prevent frequent recurrences? 25 -我能做些什么来防止频繁复发?
Try some of these suggestions from other people with herpes simplex:尝试从单纯疱疹其他人一些建议:

Try not to worry: worrying is known to affect the immune system and lower our ability to fight infections.不要担心:担心的是已知会影响免疫系统,降低抵抗感染的能力。 The more you know about simplex, the less concerned you will be and since your immune system works best when you are not stressed, by worrying less you will be healthier.你越了解单纯,少有关,因为你将和你的免疫系统效果最好,当你没有强调健康,少思虑,你会。 (Stress can also be a trigger factor for many other skin conditions, eg eczema, psoriasis.) (应力也可以是引发皮肤状况等许多因素,如湿疹,牛皮癣等。)
Get enough sleep and avoid getting overtired.保证充足的睡眠,避免过度疲劳。 Have an early night every week and pamper yourself a little.有一个早点休息,每周并善待自己一点。
Eat a well balanced, healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables every day.吃得均衡,每天的饮食与健康的蔬菜和大量水果。
If in doubt about your diet, take a multivitamin and mineral pill.如果对你的饮食疑问,服用多种维生素和矿物质的药丸。
Taking 200 iu of vitamin E every day has been shown to boost the immune response.服用200国际单位的维生素é每天已被证明是促进免疫反应。
Cut down on smoking and excessive alcohol.削减吸烟和酗酒。
Take regular exercise: 20 minutes brisk walk each day is a good start.经常锻炼:20分钟快走每一天都是一个良好的开端。
Try taking one soluble aspirin each day with food: this has been reported effective by many people.尝试采取一可溶性阿司匹林每天的食物:这是报告的人有效的多。 It is not suitable if your stomach is delicate, for children, or if you have been told not to by a doctor.如果它不适合你的胃是微妙的,儿童,或者如果有人告诉你一个医生不要用。
If the skin gets sore, this may trigger a recurrence.如果皮肤开始发痛,这可能会引发复发。 This may be the result of horse riding, bike riding or wearing tight trousers or underwear eg thongs.这可能是,结果骑自行车或骑马穿紧身的裤子或内衣如拖鞋。
Sometimes having sex will trigger an outbreak.有时在做爱会引发疾病的暴发。 If this happens, use extra lubrication (ones with silicon such as Sensilube or Senselle are better than KY jelly) during sex and cool the area after sex with cold water or a cool damp flannel.如果发生这种情况,使用果冻)的额外的润滑(如Sensilube硅或超过Senselle更好肯塔基州在性凉凉爽潮湿的绒布地区性生活后用冷水或。
Wear loose fitting cotton or silk underpants rather than those made with synthetic material.穿宽松棉质或真丝内裤与合成材料制成,而不是那些。
Women: try stockings or bare legs rather than tights.女:尝试丝袜或裸腿,而不是紧身衣。
Avoid direct sunlight or ultraviolet rays from sunbeds on the site of infection, ie no nude sunbathing!避免阳光直射或紫外线网站射线感染从日光浴浴床的,即没有裸体日光浴! If you have cold sores (facial herpes simplex), use a sunblock to protect your skin.如果你有单)冷(脸部疮疱疹,使用防晒霜来保护你的皮肤。
Subscribe to SPHERE and ask for the 'Summary of Tips to Prevent Recurrences' - two sides of A4.订阅球并询问'提示综述预防复发' -两个A4两侧。
If you prefer the idea of allopathic medicine (that means pills from the doctor) you can take aciclovir.如果你更喜欢对抗疗法治疗的观念(即从医生丸),你可以采取阿昔洛韦。 It works in a way 'like a contraceptive pill for the virus' so while you are taking it, the virus cannot multiply properly and form blisters.它在一个'就像一个病毒避孕丸'的方式工作,以便当您正在服用它,病毒无法正常繁殖,形成水泡。 It can be taken short-term to prevent an outbreak during a special weekend or holiday.它可以采取短期,以防止在一个特殊的周末或假日疾病的暴发。 It can be taken long-term if you are someone who gets lots of outbreaks.它可以长期服用,如果你是一个人谁得到大量暴发。 It is now a generic pill (which means any manufacturer can make it and the price has come right down) so the old problem of doctors not wanting to prescibe it long-term because of the price is no longer applicable.它现在是一个通用的丸(这意味着任何厂家都能做到,而且价格也出现下降右)所以不想prescibe它长期的价格术语,因为医生的老问题已不再适用。 You can even buy it yourself: DrThom is a site where you can This is a UK-based website and has the approval of the Health Commission.你甚至可以购买它自己: DrThom是一个网站,你可以这是一个英国的网站,并有管理委员会批准,健康。 However at £21.99 for 25 tablets (that would last 6 days at the 'suppressive dose' of four pills a day) this is an expensive option.但在21.99英镑25片(也将持续在'抑制剂量的四丸,每天6天)这是一个昂贵的选择。
Talking to someone who has had personal experience of herpes simplex can be very helpful.与人交谈谁已单纯疱疹个人经验是非常有益的。 Subscribe to SPHERE and call our helpline volunteer's number.订阅拨打我们的热线电话球和志愿者的电话号码。 Experience, advice, understanding and accurate information are just a call away.经验,建议,理解和准确的信息只是一个电话了。
Generally we find that indifference to your herpes simplex is the most effective treatment and the less you think about it the less you see of it.一般来说,我们发现,你的冷漠单纯疱疹是最有效的治疗和欠你想想看,你越看到它。
Our "Summary of tips to prevent recurrences" is a two page list of self help suggestions.我们的“摘要的提示,以防止复发”是一种自助两页的建议名单。 We also produce leaflets on "Diet", "Stress", "Boosting Immunity", and reports of our trials on "Olive Leaf Extract" and "Eleutherococcus senticosus".我们还生产“单张”饮食“,”压力“,推进免疫”和“报告刺五加我们试验的”橄榄叶提取物“和”。 Members can order these see subscription form .大家可以看到订购这些认购表格 。

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26 - Does herpes simplex cause sterility? 26 -单纯疱疹病毒是否会导致不育? Does it make any difference to getting pregnant? 它什么差别,怀孕?
No. Having herpes simplex will make no difference to getting pregnant – except that you may have to avoid having sex at certain times.单纯疱疹号有没有怀孕会使差异越来越-除了你可能要避免在某些时代性。

Men: If you have genital herpes and are concerned about infecting your partner while making babies, she could have a blood test to see if she already has herpes simplex antibodies (serology test).男人:如果你有生殖器疱疹,大约感染您的伙伴,使婴儿而言,她可以有一个血液检查,看看她是否已经有单纯疱疹病毒抗体(血清学检查)。 If she does, you don't have to worry about her catching it.如果她不,你不必担心她赶上了。 Since 7 out of 10 people have the virus and only one in five has had recognised symptoms, there is a good chance that the blood test will be reassuring.自7中,有10人病毒,只有五分之一已确认症状外,还有一个很好的机会,血液测试将令人放心。

Women: If you have genital herpes and are concerned about infecting your partner when making babies, he could have the blood test (see paragraph above) or else you can take aciclovir pills every day to prevent outbreaks; this is suppressive therapy - see "Guidelines" on this page .女:如果你有生殖器疱疹,大约感染您的合作伙伴,使婴儿来说,他可以有验血(见上段),否则你可以采取阿昔洛韦药片,每天为防止流感爆发,这是抑制疗法 - 见“指南“在这个页面 。 It has now been proved these pills are not a risk to the foetus.如今,它已被证明这些药是不是对胎儿的风险。 Or just take aciclovir pills for half the month: you take it from your period for two weeks (till ovulation) and then stop.或只采取一半的月阿昔洛韦药片:你从你的两个星期(至排卵)周期,然后停止。 If you have a period, it means you didn't get pregnant, start taking the aciclovir pills again.如果你有一个时期,它意味着你没有怀孕,开始服用阿昔洛韦药片了。 If you don't have a period - you are pregnant!如果你没有一个时期 - 你怀孕了! And because you stopped taking the pills when you ovulated, you weren't taking them once you were pregnant.而且因为你停止服用排卵药时,你不把他们当你怀孕了。

If you have a problem finding somewhere that will do the blood test, send us an email info@herpes.org.uk如果您发现有问题的地方,将做抽血,给我们发电子邮件info@herpes.org.uk

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27 - How may herpes simplex affect pregnancy and childbirth? 27 -单纯疱疹怎么可能影响怀孕和分娩?
If you have caught herpes simplex before becoming pregnant you can give birth normally.如果你患了单纯疱疹通常出生在怀孕前你可以给。 This is because during the last few months of pregnancy, babies in the womb develop antibodies to all the infections ('childhood illnesses') that their mothers have previously caught (and have antibodies for).这是因为在过去数个月的怀孕,婴儿在子宫内感染的抗体开发所有('儿童疾病'),他们的母亲以前捕获(和有抗体的)。 These protect the baby from these viruses during childbirth and for 3 to 6 months afterwards; longer when breastfed because the antibodies are in breast-milk, but the virus is not (despite the report in Daily Mail, 7-9-2009).这些保护3至6个月后这些病毒的婴儿在分娩过程中和;较长时,因为母乳中的抗体奶母乳,但病毒是)不(尽管,该报告在每日邮报2009年7月9日。

During pregnancy, herpes simplex normally only causes concern:在怀孕期间,单纯疱疹通常只引起关注:

if the mother catches it (for the first time) during the early stage of pregnancy (like other infections, this may trigger a miscarriage).如果母亲渔获)在早期妊娠它(第一次为(像其他感染,这可能会引发流产)。
if the mother has it for the first time during the last few months of pregnancy.如果母亲怀孕好几个月的第一个在过去几年时间。 There will be no time for antibodies to have formed before birth.将不会有时间,有抗体形成之前出生。
if baby is being born before 32 weeks (very premature).如果婴儿出生前32周(早产)。 These babies do not have full antibody protection so they could be infected during the birth if the mother has sores at the time.这些婴儿没有完全抗体的保护,使他们可以在出生时感染的,如果母亲在有时间疮。
In the second and third cases, there is a danger that the baby could contract herpes simplex so a Caesarean-section is usually performed.在第二和第三种情况下,有一种危险,宝宝可能单纯疱疹等合同剖腹产节通常是。

A four page, referenced "Pregnancy and Childbirth" leaflet is available to members - see subscription form .四页,引用“怀孕与分娩”单张可向会员-见认购表格 。

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28 - Do I have a greater risk of cervical cancer? 28 -我有子宫颈癌的风险更大?
There is no greater risk of cervical cancer if you have genital herpes simplex.没有单纯疱疹宫颈癌的风险较高,如果你有生殖器。 It was thought for a time that herpes simplex could be one of the causes of cervical cancer.这一段时间被认为是单纯疱疹病毒可能是癌症之一宫颈癌的原因。 Further research has shown that another virus (papilloma virus - warts) is likely to be a cause of cervical cancer, and if a woman with papilloma virus also has herpes simplex genitally then she is more likely to develop cervical cancer.进一步的研究表明,另一种病毒(乳头状瘤病毒-疣)很可能是导致子宫颈癌的癌症,如果一个女人与乳头状瘤病毒单纯疱疹生殖器官也有那么她更容易患宫颈癌。 NHS guidelines recommend the normal smear test every three years even when a woman has herpes simplex. NHS的指引建议正常涂片检查每三年即使一个女人单纯疱疹。

Sometimes a smear test needs to be followed up because signs of herpes simplex (which does not lead to cervical cancer) and signs of pre-cancerous cells (which can lead on to cervical cancer) can be confused.有时一次涂片检查,需要采取后续行动,因为单纯疱疹病毒的迹象(这并不会导致子宫颈癌)和)的迹象癌前细胞(可导致子宫颈癌上容易混淆。 If pre-cancerous cells are present - for whatever reason - treatment can be given.如果把学前教育癌细胞存在-不管是什么原因-治疗可以得到。

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29 - Can I give blood? 29 -我可以捐血?
Yes.是的。 There is no risk of transmitting herpes simplex virus in blood.没有血液传播单纯疱疹病毒的危险。 The virus itself remains in nerve cells; only antibodies are found in the blood.该病毒本身仍然在神经细胞中,只有血液中的抗体是在。 But if you are having a recurrence, it is better to wait before you give blood.但是,如果你有一复发,最好是等待你献血。 As with any illness, you need all your resources to get better.如同任何疾病,你需要所有的资源变得更好。

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30 - Is herpes simplex ever serious? 30 -永远是单纯疱疹严重吗?
Sometimes.有时候。 Any infection can be serious if you have it at the wrong time – if you have other health problems.任何感染严重者可如果你有时间在错误的-如果您有其他健康问题。 If you have just had an organ transplant, catching a cold can be dangerous.如果你刚才吃了个器官移植,感冒可能是危险的。 In other words, anyone whose immune system is compromised is at greater risk.换句话说,任何人的免疫系统受到损害的风险更大。

So herpes simplex can be serious if it is caught by people in any of the following categories:因此,单纯疱疹可以很严重,如果它是人们在任何类别抓到了以下内容:

People who have had an organ transplant人们谁曾移植器官
People on immune lowering cancer treatment人们对免疫降低癌症治疗
People with AIDS艾滋病人
People with extensive areas of broken skin, eg eczema皮肤的人具有广泛的破碎的地区,如湿疹
Babies whose mothers have not had herpes simplex can be infected.婴儿的母亲还没有单纯疱疹病毒可感染。 Small babies have immature immune systems so this can be serious.小婴儿未成熟的免疫系统,使本可以很严重。 To be on the safe side, anyone with cold sores on the face should not kiss young babies.为了安全起见,在面对任何人不应该用冷疮亲吻小宝宝。 Having genital sores is no problem, as your affected part will not be in direct contact with the baby.有生殖器疱疹是没有问题的,因为你的一部分,不会影响在婴儿直接接触。 See section on pregnancy .请参阅第妊娠 。

Rare complications of facial cold sores are:冷疮面罕见并发症有:

Bell's palsy may occur in face if the seventh nerves is affected by cold sores.贝尔氏麻痹,可能会出现在脸上,如果是疮第七神经受冷。 This causes loss of taste, drooping features and unresponsive facial muscles – typically in only one side of the face.这将导致味觉丧失的,下垂的功能和面部肌肉反应迟钝-通常只有一个正面的。 Bell's palsy usually resolves in a few weeks though it can last longer. www.bellspalsy.org.uk can give you more information.贝尔氏麻痹,通常在几周内解决,但它可以持续更长的时间。 www.bellspalsy.org.uk可以给你更多的信息。
Very rarely, when the virus has been caught on the face, it can reactivate inside the eye.非常罕见,当该病毒已被捕获的脸,它可以激活眼内。 This is called ophthalmic herpes simplex or herpes keratitis, dentritis or uveititis.这就是所谓的眼单纯疱疹或疱疹性角膜炎,dentritis或uveititis。 It should be referred to a specialist eye doctor: if left untreated it may damage sight. The Eye Care Trust offers more details.应该提到一个眼科专科医师:如果不治疗可能会损害视力。 眼科护理信托基金提供更多的细节。
Extremely rarely, when the virus has been caught on the face, it can reactivate in the brain.极少数情况下,当面对病毒已被抓获的,它可以激活大脑中的。 This is called encephalitis.这就是所谓的脑炎。 This is characterised by an 'altered or lowered consciousness' which sets it apart from other illnesses. The signs may be so subtle that only people close to the sufferer detect them, and they may have to be very persistent to be taken seriously by health professionals.这是特点是'改变或降低意识',订使其有别于其他疾病。迹象可能是这样的微妙,只有在患者身边的人发现他们,他们很可能要持续将采取由卫生专业人员严重。 If untreated, encephalitis may leave damage. www.encephalitis.info is a specialist charity for people with encephalitis.如果不经治疗,脑炎可能会留下的伤害。 www.encephalitis.info是一个慈善机构脑炎专业人士。
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作为一个女人, 一个中年妻子, 我的感悟很多很多, 这小小的天地实在容不下这么多年来我与此病周旋的痛苦和内心的辛酸。  我来到这个网站看到这里有这么多的年轻人他们实在是太需要帮助了。  我作为妻子, 母亲还有一个基督徒, 我真的想帮大家, 我想说的话也有很多。  今天我时间有一些, 再加上这个病这两天比较烦我, 所以我想集中几点与大家探讨一下。  

1, 夫妻两人其中一个人得了此病, 另一个人一定要有责任心保护你的心爱人。  男人要相信自己, 做妻子的如果她是个明理的人并不会因为你的病而抛弃一手建立起来的家, 痛苦一定是有的, 女人会为男人的背叛而伤心, 但是真正让女人走出婚姻这一步而且还是因为这个病我想一般女人都不会。  女人会接受坦白的男人, 也会原谅过去的一切。 因为她爱你, 爱就是承担一切。  同甘共苦。  
2, 女人考虑生育问题时, 完全不用把这个病作为考虑是否生育的问题。  因为这个病完全不影响生育和胎儿的发育。  唯一影响的是你如果在临产时产道有疱疹, 那你一定要选择手术生, 否则你都可以选择顺产。  国内所有的医生如果告诉你会影响胎儿和生育, 那都是他们没有仔细研究国外最新的理论和实验结果,  毕竟这种病在国外的历史比我们长的多, 美国每一年投入到此领域的研究经费数以亿计, 要相信他们几十年来的科学研究成果。  
3, 此病完全不会致癌。  反而, 最新的一次在美国的实验中发现, 末期癌症患者中如果注入疱疹病毒还具有以毒攻毒, 延缓生命, 杀死癌细胞的惊人发现。  此信息如果你们要在网上谷歌中搜, 一下就可以得到此信息。  所以得了此病也许还是我们这些受害者的一大福音, 也许这一生人我们再也不会与癌症沾上关系
4, 此病每次复发的症状都不同, 至少我是这样。  我得了此病13年, 前六七年我都是每一年复发两次, 每一次持续一个月左右。  没有一次有疱疹和溃疡, 是非典型的那种, 但是有红肿和奇痒, 固定在左面的阴唇和肛门位置。  但是今年由于本人目前处于更年期结果从四月来病情急剧恶化。  主要是荷尔蒙的变化和雌激素的减少导致我的状况恶化。  我已经求助了北京所有的专家门诊, 发现他们一点不专家后, 我就飞到了美国, 在那里我对此病有了全面崭新的理解。  目前我的状况是每个月例假结束后, 复发一定要, 复发前, 头疼, 颈项强直, 象落枕了一样, 腰疼, 背疼, 左腿神经痛, 有时左眼和耳朵还痒, 之后就进入持续的五六天的阴唇和肛门红肿和奇痒。  不用吃药, 六七天后自动消失, 周而复始, 每月如此, 已经持续一年了。  美国的医生说更年期的女人有一些比例的病人会复发严重, 而我目前就受着此等的折磨。  
5, 此病无要可医, 国内任何医院任何人如果说可以治愈, 都是骗人的, 目前此病是一个需要攻克的项目, 没有一个人在世界上解决此问题。  美国目前采用的就是


作为一个女人, 一个中年妻子, 我的感悟很多很多, 这小小的天地实在容不下这么多年来我与此病周旋的痛苦和内心的辛酸。  我来到这个网站看到这里有这么多的年轻人他们实在是太需要帮助了。  我作为妻子, 母亲还有一个基督徒, 我真的想帮大家, 我想说的话也有很多。  今天我时间有一些, 再加上这个病这两天比较烦我, 所以我想集中几点与大家探讨一下。  

1, 夫妻两人其中一个人得了此病, 另一个人一定要有责任心保护你的心爱人。  男人要相信自己, 做妻子的如果她是个明理的人并不会因为你的病而抛弃一手建立起来的家, 痛苦一定是有的, 女人会为男人的背叛而伤心, 但是真正让女人走出婚姻这一步而且还是因为这个病我想一般女人都不会。  女人会接受坦白的男人, 也会原谅过去的一切。 因为她爱你, 爱就是承担一切。  同甘共苦。  
2, 女人考虑生育问题时, 完全不用把这个病作为考虑是否生育的问题。  因为这个病完全不影响生育和胎儿的发育。  唯一影响的是你如果在临产时产道有疱疹, 那你一定要选择手术生, 否则你都可以选择顺产。  国内所有的医生如果告诉你会影响胎儿和生育, 那都是他们没有仔细研究国外最新的理论和实验结果,  毕竟这种病在国外的历史比我们长的多, 美国每一年投入到此领域的研究经费数以亿计, 要相信他们几十年来的科学研究成果。  
3, 此病完全不会致癌。  反而, 最新的一次在美国的实验中发现, 末期癌症患者中如果注入疱疹病毒还具有以毒攻毒, 延缓生命, 杀死癌细胞的惊人发现。  此信息如果你们要在网上谷歌中搜, 一下就可以得到此信息。  所以得了此病也许还是我们这些受害者的一大福音, 也许这一生人我们再也不会与癌症沾上关系
4, 此病每次复发的症状都不同, 至少我是这样。  我得了此病13年, 前六七年我都是每一年复发两次, 每一次持续一个月左右。  没有一次有疱疹和溃疡, 是非典型的那种, 但是有红肿和奇痒, 固定在左面的阴唇和肛门位置。  但是今年由于本人目前处于更年期结果从四月来病情急剧恶化。  主要是荷尔蒙的变化和雌激素的减少导致我的状况恶化。  我已经求助了北京所有的专家门诊, 发现他们一点不专家后, 我就飞到了美国, 在那里我对此病有了全面崭新的理解。  目前我的状况是每个月例假结束后, 复发一定要, 复发前, 头疼, 颈项强直, 象落枕了一样, 腰疼, 背疼, 左腿神经痛, 有时左眼和耳朵还痒, 之后就进入持续的五六天的阴唇和肛门红肿和奇痒。  不用吃药, 六七天后自动消失, 周而复始, 每月如此, 已经持续一年了。  美国的医生说更年期的女人有一些比例的病人会复发严重, 而我目前就受着此等的折磨。  
5, 此病无要可医, 国内任何医院任何人如果说可以治愈, 都是骗人的, 目前此病是一个需要攻克的项目, 没有一个人在世界上解决此问题。  美国目前采用的就是


美国目前最新的药是  valtrex, 此药我也试了, 只是减短复发时间, 根本意义还是不大,   famvir是其次选择, 国内大多数人用的阿昔洛韦在国外已经是落后了, 已经没有太多的医生开此药。  前两种药你们如果有机会到港澳可以在香港的药店购买到, 但非常贵。  其实我比较不赞成吃药, 因为吃药的意义不大, 解决不了根本问题, 而且还会带来耐药性和副作用。  国外的医生不太赞同吃药, 我去看他们, 他们都不给我开太多的药, 建议我自体疗法, 靠食疗和运动改变自身的体质来抗衡此病

所以说时间得的越长是否就复发的越少这种理论因人而异。  在许多更年期妇女身上此役理论不成立。  而且在许多男女老年人身上, 但我们的身体衰老了, 病痛多了, 我也怀疑是否会更加引发复发的问题。  当然许多人说人老了, 病毒也老了, 可能那时他也消耗得差不多了, 这些都不知道。  但以我个人的例子来说, 我的这一年, 第13年我是月月发, 而且症状严重

说了这么多, 我认为我是理性的, 我希望可以帮到大家。  当我们了解这个病多了, 我们就会少些担忧了。  我想再次向所有的准妈妈说一句, 放心生吧, 没问题。  我也想向所有的男朋友和老公说一句, 你们做错了, 但不要再错, 妻子是无辜的, 你们一定要保护好他们, 即使坦白了, 你们的女人绝对不会因为这个病而离开你们。  除非他们根本不爱你们。  我也想向所有的病友说一句, 振作起来, 没什么可怕的, 这病就是一个皮肤的溃疡, 不是器质性病变, 绝对不用怕。  最后我也想向所有看到我短信的战友说一句, 相信上帝会带我们走出逆境, 上帝是爱我们的, 只要我们用我们的爱心原谅了我们的老公, 用我们的爱心去帮助了需要我们帮助的人, 上帝有眼, 他会带我们走出困境, 让我们获得新生。  愿基督永远与我们同在


楼上。  不用的, 疱疹病毒离开人体后会马上自灭, 根本无法生存。  所以衣服这些不用分开洗, 但内衣裤我还是分开洗的, 因为我认为即使没有病毒也应该分开洗内衣裤。  坚决不能嘴对嘴亲你的孩子, 可以亲他们的脸, 但绝不能嘴对嘴亲嘴。  其实如果孩子接触些微疱疹病毒是好事, 身体里就会产生抗体, 以后长大了也可以对此病毒有自然屏障作用。  所以我除了不亲我孩子的嘴外, 我其他都和他们在一起, 包括一起睡觉。


valtrex  最好      famvir也可以  但非常贵  不治愈你的病, 只能起到缓解的作用


楼上的, 不用担心, 即使更年期的症状也就一两天的不舒服, 可以扛过去, 而且到那时还有很长的一段时间, 科技昌明早已有更加好的特效药来对付它, 我都半老徐娘了, 我都不怕, 你怕什么。  心烦是有的, 骂骂老公, 出出气也就好了。
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